James and Seth discuss, in the first episode ever, a practical definition of worldbuilding from the basic establishment of a good setting to an understanding of the boundaries in which a story takes place. They also tease at a number of other potential future episodes ending with an invite to join the worldcraft club team in exploring the concept more deeply.
Our spondor for episode is Tippy Taps the happy dance that dogs do.
Links and Sundry:
How it Should Have Ended - Snape and the Time Turner
April Fools! Normally you get insightful worldbuilding commentary. Today you get the server hosting a roundtable about a children’s TV show, Bluey. So sit...
Horror lives just outside of our eyeline. In the peripherals of our vision. It's a feeling we can't quite shake when something seems amiss...
In Ross’s latest book we see a man displaced from all he finds familiar adjusting to a new world he knows only through academic...