“Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.” Douglas Adams
Seriously, he had a point. The amount of space in, well, Space is just mind boggling. In science fiction we need a way to get from point a to point b and we need to break light speed to do that. But we can’t. So what do we do? We either bend physics to go through it like in Mass Effect or we go around (or under) it like in Star Wars or Warhammer 40k. This technological leap is massive, though and we will find that we have our work cut out for us examining its implications. That’s why brought the big guns, Ed Horton joins Seth and James to talk about all things FTL in this exciting episode of The WorldCraft Club Podcast.
Worldbuilding is like gardening, you’re creating a space that’s artificial, human made, but it showcases natural beauty. Wild nature meets ordered man. But what...
Do your streams seek vengeance? Do your waterways fall in love? Rivers form the veins and arteries of landmasses. They provide places for humans...
Check out this episode on YouTube! Adaptations are BIG right now! Live action interpretations of childhood shows (like Avatar the Last Airbender, or anime...