Well!? The Empire is obviously evil, I mean, obviously. However, we reckon most folks in the galaxy far far away were pretty ambivalent about it and might not have even noticed the change of the guard. Marcos and James discuss the Mandolorian and how the show depicts the regular folks in the margins of galactic society and how they might’ve seen the Empire and the experiences they might have had as it collapsed. Was everyone on board with the Rebellion. Is the Rebellion doing a good job running the show since the Emperor died? We discuss these questions and more to give you great content for your own story worlds featuring collapsed empires.
Fish don’t know they’re wet. We all have a culture whether we know it or not. We tend to see it clearly in others...
Description - The lines between wealth and poverty can be stark and jarring in the real world and often serve as a source of...
It’s hard to kill your darlings. To let go of something that you spent hours (days/weeks/years) creating but that’s what we do when we...