Fish don’t know they’re wet. We all have a culture whether we know it or not. We tend to see it clearly in others and recognize that it’s a pivotal part of worldbuilding. We all remember a particular race or culture in our favorite media’s world-building that set our imaginations on fire whether it’s the Necrons of Warhammer, the Protoss of StarCraft, or the Sylvan elves of Lord of the Rings a diverse array of cultures can bring your world to life. How do you start with creating cultures, though? James and Marcos discuss some of the best ways to develop your cultures and place them in your stories in a way that highlights them all the while building a culture of cybernetic vikings.
Holy Cow! It’s been a minute. Seth and I owe you an explanation for our absence. To that end, let’s appraise you of all...
Description On this episode of Worldcraft club we talk to Jon Bell a friend of the show, collaborator and tentacle faced denizen of the...
Advanced technology beyond our imagination. Unbelievable discoveries. Dimensions and galaxies unknown. What happens when you push science fiction to the limits? Super Science is...